AURAMIN - It Changed my Life
My name is T.J. Winzeler and I hold Bachelor Degree of Science in Natural Resources and have studied biology in connection with my degree. I hold the position of superintendent at the Sanctuary at West World Golf Course in Scottsdale Az. I have been taking Auramin for about a year and a half. My story begins in the month of May 2000. My wife and I were expecting our 1st child in July. As the time grew shorter until Zach would arrive, my wife began experiencing nervous vomiting. At approximately the same time, I also began to vomit on a regular basis. I went to the doctor, and was informed that it was probably a sympathetic reaction towards my wife's nervousness. I was given a prescription of Pepcid, and told to return if the problem persisted.
Well, the problem began to grow worse. I was vomiting three and four times a day. In every instance, the vomiting was brought on by a bowel movement. I should have gone back to the doctor at this point, but being a big, tough farmer, I thought it would pass. The problem persisted for another two weeks, culminating in 40 lb. of lost weight and a four-day hospital stay. While in the hospital, every test known to medical science was performed on my body, to no avail. The doctors were stupefied. I was given a prescription strength antacid and sent home. Four days later, I was again in the ER with a tremendous amount of pain in my abdomen. After administering 4 boles of Morphine, the doctors began to think there might be a serious problem. Another battery of tests failed to provide any answers. One fecal test showed a slight elevation in a psuedomons strain of bacteria in my colon. It was determined I had a bacterial intestinal infection. I was given a prescription for (3) different anti-biotics, and was told to rotate these drugs every week for the period of (4) months. Yea, that's a lot of high-powered drugs! It didn't work! While taking the anti-biotics, everything was OK. However, as soon as I was finished with the drug program, the problem began to surface again.
I thought it was something I was going to have to learn to learn to live with. Fortunately, I met the guys who sell Auramin. After telling them my story, one of them suggested that I try Auramin. He claimed it helped him with his diabetes. As an avid outdoors man and soil scientist, I understand some of the intricate balance Mother Nature uses to maintain healthy organisms. The idea of using something organic to try and restore that balance to my system was intriguing.
I agreed to try the product. What did I have to lose? Wow! What a difference! Immediately, I began to feel better. My energy levels increased, and I no longer had trouble with gas pressure causing me to vomit. My ordeal left me lactose intolerant. Auramin has not only given me the ability to drink milk again, but I can eat cheese, and a few other milk byproducts. Auramin worked so well for me, I gave some to my mother. She uses Auramin to help her regulate her menopausal symptoms. She loves it!
I know you hear and read things about products everyday. Each new commercial claiming their product will change your looks, how you feel, even change how people look and feel about you. I can't vouch for the validity of these other products. I can however, substantiate the positive benefits I have received from Auramin. It changed my life!!!
T. J. Winzeler