What is Fulvic Substance?

Fulvic Substance (a.k.a. fulvic acid; not to be confused with folic acid) (found in BASIC-IM) is recognized as one of the key elements in many outstanding health and scientific breakthroughs in recent years. Scientists and doctors throughout the world are discovering fulvic acid and its extraordinary potential. Fulvic acid is an organic catalyst and is the work horse of the humic acid chain because of its physical, chemical, and biological benefits.

Scientists have found that fulvic acid is the element that makes nutrients absorbable, which gives it the ability to make a dramatic impact on all kinds of diseases and health problems that afflict us today. They call it the elixir of life, the miracle molecule, and theorize that without it, nothing would live.

In fact, Fulvic Acid has been called one of the most important natural miracles related to life itself. It is an acid created in extremely small amounts by millions of beneficial microbes working on decaying plant matter.

Because of fulvic acid’s low molecular weight (small molecules) it has the ability to readily dissolve and bond minerals and nutritional elements into its molecular structure. Nutrients that have been chelated by fulvic acid are in an ideal natural form to interact with and be absorbed by living cells. Fulvic Acid is so powerful that one single fulvic acid molecule is capable of carrying 60 or more minerals and trace elements into the cells.

Of course these minerals and trace elements must be present, and in sufficient amount, in the first place; which is why we believe any humic or fulvic supplement should include minerals- AURAMIN. Organic plant source minerals start out much more available than metallic or rock source minerals; thus all Nature’s Fulvic products include 70+ organic plant source minerals and enzymes.

Why do I need Fulvic?

Fulvic acid is the healing miracle of the 21st century. Fulvic acid is called the “missing link” to good health and the “miracle molecule” as it has been shown in numerous medical studies worldwide to significantly improve our health. Fulvic Acid benefits particularly when coupled with organic plant derived minerals and healing clay, include the following:

  1. It assists in sustaining and reinforcing our body’s immune system and reversing immune system disorders.
  2. It bolsters the immune system's capability of resisting Viruses, Pathogens and Bacterial Infections of all Varieties; including HIV.
  3. It defends against toxic substances including heavy metals & dangerous chemicals, from being absorbed into the body; and filters out substances already present.
  4. It helps to balance body cell life.
  5. It assists in Enzymes production.
  6. It improves blood circulation and increases endurance.
  7. It aids in the body’s ability to control high blood pressure
  8. It helps to structure hormones.
  9. It controls inflammation by acting as an anti-inflammatory agent.
  10. It stimulates body metabolism and re-mineralizes the body.
  11. It regulates the Thyroid Gland and the Thymus Gland; and reduces Thyroid tumors.
  12. It helps to Super-Oxygenate the hemoglobin of Blood that regulates the immune system and protects itself against unnatural Oxidation.
  13. It assimilates Macro and Micro Elements and improves Memory & Brain Function.
  14. It acts as Catalysts for Enzyme Reactions and cleanses, Neutralize, and removes Toxins from vessels.
  15. It revitalizes Libido (sexual function and desire) by strengthening & supercharging the body.
  16. It helps to repair, regenerate, & restore Cells including the skin & nails.
  17. It provides Vital Electrolytes and other Vital Elements.
  18. It enhances our internal healing abilities by gently and naturally detoxifying our bodies
  19. It reduces acid reflux symptoms
  20. It protects our cells from viruses
  21. It slows down our aging process
  22. It relieves arthritis symptoms
  23. It counteracts the damage from nutritional deficiencies and imbalances
  24. It prevents and/or inhibits cancer cell growth
  25. It prevents and/or relieves asthma symptoms
  26. It maintains optimum Alkalinity ( pH Levels ), and defends against Cancer, Diabetes, and other Diseases.

Re-mineralization of our bodies without fulvic acid (that actually should be in the plants we eat), has little benefit. People are sick with degenerative and deficiency related illnesses now more than ever. Fulvic acid supplementation, with organic plant source minerals, is an excellent start toward reversing this situation.

Why is our food so fulvic & nutrient deficient and does this cause sickness?

For decades now mineral content in a large part of America's farming land is seriously deficient in vital trace elements. This issue, as it regards to personal health, has been known since 1936! The situation is so serious that the United States senate in 1936, 74th Congress, 2nd Session warned the American people of major mineral depletion due to "modern" farming methods. This Senate Report was based on a study conducted by Dr. Charles Northern. It was further supported by research completed at Yale, Rutgers, John Hopkins, Columbia and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Dr. Northern demonstrated "that countless human ills stem from the fact that impoverished soil of America no longer provides plant foods with mineral elements essential to human nourishment and health." This statement transcends beyond the borders of America, and is true throughout the world.

What does Fulvic minerals address?

Scientifically proven benefits include:


Arthritis                     Acne                      Anti-wrinkle skin care

Athletes foot              Bruises/Black eye     Boils

Burns/sunburns          Cellulites                 Cold Sores

Cuts                         Diaper rash              Ear Aches

Eczema                     Insect Bites              Infections

Ingrown toe nails        Nail Fungus             Poison Ivy/Oak

Scrapes/Road rash      Shingles                  Sores that won’t heal

Sprains                      Psoriasis


Acid Indigestion                          Acid reflux/heartburn

Allergies/Hay fever                     Celiac Disease

Constipation                              Crohn’s Disease

Diarrhea/Dysentery                    Diverticulitis

Detoxifier                                  Food poisoning

H-Pylon                                     Hiatal Hernia

IBS                                           Menstrual Cramps

Parasites                                   Rota Virus

Stomach Ache                            Sties

Why is Fulvic product BASIC-IM the best?

Simply put: because they include Fulvic Acid, and essential minerals the bases of BASIC-IM.

In our 40+ years of research in humates and humic acids, we found that Fulvic acids are most effective when preserved in the raw base material or carrier from which it is naturally found; and in combination with the other elements (minerals, enzymes, etc.) naturally occurring with it.

Extraction and/or concentration of the one key element (the Fulvic Acid) is typically not as effective as when taken in its natural form; in fact leaching and extracting fulvic acids dilutes their effectiveness, and separates them from other beneficial elements that can actually enhance their effectiveness (in a sort of synergistic fashion).

How long should I continue to take BASIC-IM Fulvic Acid with minerals?

Taking BASIC-IM with AURAMIN, organic plant derived minerals, should be a part or your daily routine. With the poor condition of our soils, agriculture practices and nutrient deficient food; we simply are not getting enough from our food source. It would take years and years of aggressive change in our agriculture today to replenish the soil and produce nutrient rich food again. Daily supplement is the only safe guard to assure we are maintaining optimal levels of Fulvic Acid and beneficial minerals in our system…for the betterment of our health and that of our families.